Dear Mohammad Hossein Bateni,
2019. 2. 25. 오후 1:27, ntg-context-request@ntg.nl 작성:
I have never used the sidebar mechanism, but there is a "rulecolor" option in setupsidebar. Maybe that's what you're looking for.
You can look up the commands and their options in "i-context.pdf" file.
Thank you for the reply. I found the command “\setupsidebar”. The following example is working well. %%%%%%% \definecolor[dGreen][r=0,g=.4,b=0] %\setupsidebar[rulecolor=(.4green)] \setupsidebar[rulecolor=dGreen] \starttext \startsidebar \samplefile{knuth} \stopsidebar \stoptext %%%%%%%%% The reason of putting “\definecolor…” is that “[rulecolor=(.4green)]” is not working as in MetaFun, while [rulecolor=green] is working well. Because of this, I can remove my definition of sidebar from my environment. Thank you again. Best regards, Dalyoung