Hi, is it possible to align the inner itemgroup vertically with the outer enumeration, even if there is a "big" math expression? See the example below (where I have made the enumeration serried, just to see the _vertical_ misalignment better)? I think I miss something simple, but looking in setup-en.pdf I cannot find the necessary key. /Mikael %%% \defineenumeration[question][ text=, alternative=serried, ] \defineitemgroup[abc] \setupitemgroup[abc][each][a,horizontal,two,intro,nowhite][ stopper=, right=), ] \starttext This looks OK: \startquestion \blank[overlay] \startabc \startitem foo \stopitem \startitem bar \stopitem \stopabc \stopquestion Here, the 2 and a) are not vertically aligned: \startquestion \blank[overlay] \startabc \startitem $ \int_a^b f(x)\,dx$ \stopitem \startitem test \stopitem \stopabc \stopquestion \stoptext %%%