On 3 sept. 2013, at 10:50, Hans Hagen
On 9/3/2013 9:31 AM, Otared Kavian wrote:
[…] Thanks Hans for your attention, but saying texexec --autogenerate --synctex=1 "$1" --purge
or context --autogenerate --synctex=1 "$1" --purge
removes also the synctex.gz file and one loses the synctex functionality which is essential for me.
i've added a test: if --synctex is given or the first line has
% synctex=zipped|unzipped|1|-1|yes
then the synctex file is not deleted
Hi Hans, Thanks for the quick modification… I tested the new beta, and indeed using mkiv and context --autogenerate --synctex=1 "$1" --purge the synctex.gz file is not anymore deleted (however a utility file [file-name].tuc remains). I noticed also that using mkii and texexec --autogenerate --synctex=1 "$1" --purge does delete the synctex.gz file, but this is expected since mkii is frozen and no change has effect ont it. Best regards: OK