2 Apr
2 Apr
3:17 p.m.
hi, I'm a new convert to ConTeXt from Latex, and i have setup an intermezzo. As i am trying to link everything to my DocBook files, i want to be able to move <quotes> over to ConTeXt and place them in an intermezzo and have the intermezzo automatically size itself. So far i have this: \placeintermezzo [right]{none}{ \framed [height=3.8cm, width=5cm, background=color, offset=5pt, backgroundcolor=quoteBox, framecolor=quoteBox, corner=round, radius=4pt] {\rbox{here is the quote}}} But this has hardcoded width and height. How can i set the width and let the intermezzo size the height to fit. I tried changing height to 'fit' but that didn't work. Any thoughts? Thanks, mark