Hi Steffen, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
Is there an equivalent for
\definewhitespacemethod [bigger] {\ctxparskip10pt plus3pt minus3pt}
that must be used in register?
Probably yes, because registers basically treat every line as a paragraph. I am not the most knowledgeable person about registers, so I am re-forwarding this to the mailing list. For the benefit of the list, a short summary of the question is this: \setupinterlinespace[stretch=1.5] \definewhitespacemethod [bigger] {\ctxparskip10pt plus3pt minus3pt} \setupwhitespace[bigger] creates lots of flexibility in the interline and interparagraph space, so you can do something like this: \definestartstop[kleiner] [before={\startcolumns[n=2] \setupinterlinespace[stretch=1.5] \setupwhitespace [bigger]}, after={\stopcolumns }] and that works like a charm in equalizing out the bottom lines of the columns, for the running text. But with such a definition somewhere, this still does not work: \starttext \startkleiner \placeregister[index] \stopkleiner \stoptext Does anybody know and approach to do that? Best, Taco