On 03/21/2012 10:19 AM, Malte Stien wrote:
Hi all,
Is there a way to define your own itemize symbols? I would like a solid square, as in symbol 8 (referring to Table 10.1 in the Context Manual, but solid/filled whereas 8 is hollow.
I tried to declare my own bullet point, as in:
\def\squarebullet{\vrule height .9ex width .8ex depth -.1ex } % square bullet
and then tried to use it in the \startitemize command, but it appears that command does not take commands as its first argument:
\startitemize[\squarebullet, packed] \item foo \item baz ... \stopitemize
So here goes that idea. Other idea was to use \sym{\squarebullet}. That actually works, however, the problem is that it needs to be specified for the individual bullet point. I need something that can be specified in \setupitemize, such that my writers get that symbol automatically without having any control over it.
Any ideas?
have you tried \definesymbol [1] [\squarebullet] ? Or, if you want it only for a few items \sym{\squarebullet} HTH Thomas