Adam Lindsay wrote:
Is it possible to simply enclose the file in a \startregime[utf]...\stopregime pair or do I risk havoc by doing this?
Well, if you're using a regime, it still (usually) depends on symbolic character names being defined under the hood. Also, such an approach
Sure. But editing the file is oh so much easier when I can just type \def\japChapterNumber#1{第#1章} than if I have to look up the unicode numbers first and type \def\japChapterNumber{\uchar{123}{44}#1\uchar{122}{224}}
(explicitly calling \startregime[utf]) doesn't make XeTeX as happy as it could be (XeTeX is happiest if you just pass through Unicode characters.
That implies that ConTeXt should switch off all conversions when running in XeTeX and seeing \startregime[utf], right? (I certainly want to use the whole thing in XeTeX, if I ever do start it. I would prefer not to make the code depend on that. I could live with som \if... switches at the beginning and end, sure.) Christopher