21 Jan
21 Jan
1:21 a.m.
On 2012-01-20 Kip Warner
So what does ConTeXt do when it typesets an \externalfigure? Does it always use inkscape, or only sometimes?
If the image type is supported by the TeX engine (jpeg, png, pdf, mps) it is directly included. SVG files inkscape is called to convert the SVG to PDF. For EPS images ghostscript is used: strace results: execve("/usr/bin/gs", ["gs", "-q", "-sDEVICE=pdfwrite", "-dNOPAUSE", "-dNOCACHE", "-dBATCH", "-dAutoRotatePages=/None", "-dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress", "-dEPSCrop", "-sOutputFile=m_k_i_v_graph.pdf", "graph.eps", "-c", "quit"], [/* 55 vars */]) Marco