Hi everybody,

I'm just writing a module to typeset the traditional Chinese books.
Here is the thing: I use page-arrangement to put like 15 pages on
one page or actually 30 pages on one page in a double-sided mode
(I mean page 1 and page 2---which contain 15 mini-pages each---are
on the same page), and yes I want to make a table of contents and
some PDF bookmarks. But having searched the list, I find that I
should use
texexec --arrange file.tex
to compile the file and get the real page number. That's not what I
want. Because if I get one chapter on the second page, the page
number is 31 rather than 2 which I really want it to be. And so do
the bookmarks behave. If I click the bookmark of the first chapter,
it will go to the 31st page of the PDF file if it has page 31. I don't
really like the mess.

I know it's normal, but I would like to know if there's any way to
write the page counters I defined to the .tui or .tuo file so that I can
totally handle them and display them on the contents and make
the bookmarks not crazy any more.

Best Regards

Zhi-chu Chen | Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility
No. 2019 | Jialuo Rd. | Jiading | Shanghai | P.R. China
tel: 086 21 5955 3405 | zhichu.chen.googlepages.com
| www.sinap.ac.cn