There are no verbatim environments in XML, and you cannot get literal content. Instead, you can have tags, like your verbatim above, that request line-oriented layout. programlisting is such a tag in Docbook.
This is how docbook in context does it:
\def\XMLDBstartlineorientedlayout {\bgroup \frenchspacing \obeyspaces \obeytabs \obeylines \parindent=0pt% \setupwhitespace[none] \def\obeyedline{\par\def\obeyedline{\strut\par}}% \def\obeyedspace{\strut\space}% \blank[medium]} \def\XMLDBstoplineorientedlayout{\blank[medium]\egroup}
\defineXMLenvironment[programlisting] {\XMLDBstartlineorientedlayout \tt\XMLsimpleentitiestrue}% {\XMLDBstoplineorientedlayout}
Thanks Simon! Such line-oriented environment is also a solution.