Hi I found a solution to reach APA7 list and links. Using $PATH/ConTeXtPATH/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/publ-imp-apa.mkvi in line 1306-1312, where \starttexdefinition mutable protected btx:apa:doi \texdefinition {btx:format:goto} { url(https://doi.org/\btxflush{doi}) } { \hyphenatedurl{https://\btxflush{doi}} } \stoptexdefinition Change: url(http://dx.doi.org/\btxflush{doi}) to url(https://doi.org/\btxflush{doi}) and \hyphenatedurl{doi:\btxflush{doi}} to \hyphenatedurl{https://\btxflush{doi}}. With this two changes the correct format in the list of publications is shown according apa7 and as well https links instead of http links will be generated, which is also needed in apa7. Not all apa7 definitions are yet reach with this changes, but its a small step towards. Merry Christmas. Oliver