Am 21.11.2008 um 23:53 schrieb Hans Hagen:
Mojca Miklavec wrote:
hack hack hack hack ....
I tried solutions with special patterns sveral times but the problem is in mixed languages, i.e. english text mixed with url-language; there are some limitations (in pdftex for instance the same codes are used fo rthe whole par (i.e. mixed languages are possible but with the same lccodes etc). Also, one needs to get rid of the -
Anyhow, there is another trick, one that Aditya might love ...
\catcode`\:=\active \catcode`\^=\active \catcode`\/=\active \catcode`\~=\active
\gdef\ForMojcaWhoLikesHacks#1% {\dontleavehmode \begingroup \mathcode`\:="8000 \mathcode`\^="8000 \mathcode`\/="8000 \mathcode`\~="8000 \def:{\nobreak \hbox{\lettercolon}\allowbreak}% \def^{\allowbreak\hbox{\letterhat }\nobreak}% \def/{\nobreak \hbox{\letterslash}\allowbreak}% \def~{\allowbreak\hbox{\lettertilde}\nobreak}% \everymath\emptytoks \mathsurround\zeropoint$\tttf#1$% \endgroup}
\hsize 1mm \ForMojcaWhoLikesHacks{http://www.sil.org/silesr/}
Conclusion please: Is \ForMojcaWhoLikesHacks an improvement of \hyphenatedurls in terms of being closer to this "Chicago style" sort of standard? [And thus being part of next beta?] Or is it a personal hack, fitting Lars' needs? Steffen