Hi Klaus,
try this:
% engine=xetex
\definetypeface[MyFace][rm][Xserif][TeX Gyre Pagella]
\midaligned{\tfb\bf Arkadi und Boris Strugazki}
\midaligned{\tfb\bf Аркадий и Борис Стругацкие}
\midaligned{\tfc\bf Milliarden Jahre vor dem Weltuntergang}
\midaligned{\tfc\bf За миллиард лет до конца света}
\midaligned{\tfa\bf Eine unter seltsamen Umständen aufgefundene Handschrift}
if this doesn't work, you can mail me directly.
2007/11/8, Klaus Gena
I am entirely new to Tex and Context. I installed the stand alone mswin context distro and manage to typeset Dutch texts without any problems, using the manuals.
I also need to typeset Russian texts, however, and I was wondering if there exists a painless, 'out of the box', way to make Context understand Russian (and not transliterating everything), or is it necessary to install additional fonts?
The wikipage on the contextgarden site on Russian doesn't really give any positive results, and browsing the mailinglist archives neither.
Klaus Gena