7 Jan
7 Jan
3:11 p.m.
In the MWE below I would expect the "show" command to print the value of p in the console output (I use Texworks), however this does not seem to be happening. I haven't used "show" in MetaFun for a while, am I implementing it correctly? Best Wishes Keith McKay %%%%%%%% MWE %%%%%%%%% \setuppapersize[A4, portrait] \starttext \startMPpage StartPage; width := PaperWidth ; height := PaperHeight ; unit := cm ; numeric p; p := 0; for q = 0 step 1 until 10: show p; p := p + 1; fill fullcircle xyscaled(3cm,4cm) shifted ((p +2)*cm, (p + 2)*cm) withcolor red ; endfor; StopPage; \stopMPpage \stoptext