-- Check URI
socket.http.TIMEOUT = 5 -- set URI timeout in seconds
hvdm.urireturncode = function (theuri)
-- Differentiate between file and http protocols.
local first,last = string.find(theuri, "file://")
if first == nil then
-- We have http to search for.
local content, status, authinfo = socket.http.request{
method = "HEAD",
url = theuri,
return type(status) == "number" and status or "failure"
-- We must ascertain the existence of the file.
local thefile = io.open(string.sub(theuri, last+1, -1), "r")
if thefile then
return "200"
return "404"
% ..... Place an url link .....................................................
% BEWARE: spaces in file names must be %20 in the link !!!
% This global definition of the URLbase cannot be missed.
% Signal the occurence of timeout on URI search.
\startxmlsetups xmlcommon:urlbase
% Reset the URI timeout for new URLbase.
\startxmlsetups xmlcommon:url
% Define the full uri.
% File suffix should be one of the list.
{\def\suffix{.impossible}}% no suffix from the list here
{\def\suffix{\empty}}% one of the list is present
% First try link as given, beware of unreachable site.
% For previously timeout on this site.
\errorcall{#1}{url access fails for \THEURLBASE\xmlatt{#1}{link}}
% On URI timeout there is no hope to find the file.
% When there is no suffix from the list, try several.
% Give up if returncode other then 200.
% Page number might be added.
{\edef\thep{\letterhash page=\xmlatt{#1}{page}}}
% Place the link, ref-attribute prevales in the presentation.
{\THEURLBASE\xmlatt{#1}{link} not found (\returncode)}
\fi % end of URItimeout