On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 12:36 PM, Hans Hagen
Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 24.04.2009 um 19:22 schrieb Kevin D. Robbins:
Hi all,
I just wanted to add that with the latest ConTeXt beta 2009.04.21 16:11 and LuaTeX beta-0.40.0-2009042222, \nolist is no longer defined. I've been using \nolist with long table captions, so I don't get the whole caption in the list of tables. Is there a new way to accomplish this?
\start \setupselector[caption][n=1] \completelistoftables \stop
\placetable {\select{caption}{Foo.}{Foo. Bar, Baz}} {...}
ah .. you always surprise me .. i'd even forgot about that one
upcoming structure code will provide
You anticipated my next question! This is great news...I've always wanted to be able to specify the text that should go in the bookmark when the title itself includes markup. But, will there be similar support for specifying bookmark text for things like \completelistoffigures? Right now, the bookmark says something like '\headtext{figures}' in my PDF viewer. Thanks again, Kevin