Am 03.08.2012 um 21:12 schrieb Daniel Schopper
Hi, \checkparameters seems broken in the current beta. The following example used to work at least with version 2012.06.13
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \def\myCom[#1]{% \checkparameters[#1] \ifparameters \getparameters[do][one=1,two=2,#1] \doone\ \dotwo \else #1 \fi } \starttext \myCom[one]
\myCom[one=one,two=two] \stoptext
You have to change this on syst-aux.mkiv: \unexpanded\def\checkparameters[#1]% - {\syst_helpers_get_empty_parameters#1=@@\_e_o_s_} + {\syst_helpers_check_parameters#1=@@\_e_o_s_} You can also use \doifassignmentelse to check the content of your macro. \def\mycommand[#1]% {\doifassignmentelse{#1} {\getrawparameters[mycommand][one=1,two=2,#1]% \mycommandone\ \mycommandtwo} {#1}} When you want to use \if… \else … \fi in your command you can use this: \def\mycommand[#1]% {\doifassignmentelse{#1}\donetrue\donefalse \ifdone \getrawparameters[mycommand][one=1,two=2,#1]% \mycommandone\ \mycommandtwo \else #1% \fi} Wolfgang