Hi, Does there exist a startstop command (say startMPfigure) for managing figures drawn using MP such that 1. I can use \startMPfigure{label} ...... \stopMPfigure and then use \useexternalMPfigure{label} to include the figure. 2. The figures are converted into pdf once. If the code inside \startstop MPfigures changes, the pdf for each figure is recreated. Basically, I want MPfigures to be converted into pdf for faster inclusion in the main document, the figure should be recompiled if necessary and I should be able to include the figure using a label (so that I can separate the figures from the main document). uniqueMPgraphic provides the first functionality, but the figure is converted into pdf on runtime (thereby increasing the processing time of the document). I can use a separate document with each figure inside a \startMPpage ... \stopMPpage, but (i) I need to remember figure numbers manually, (ii) after making change in one figure, the whole file needs to be recompiled. Another possibility is to use one tex file for each figure, compile them separately and then then use figure library to get a "label" for each figure. But this becomes difficult to manage, as soon as I get large number of files. Is their something basic that I am missing here? How do others manage mpfigures? To Hans: is it possible to have a \startMPfigure command such that 1. \startMPfigure[label] figure code \stopMPfigure creates a \jobname-figure-\nofMPfigurefile file with current MP environment current MP inclusion figure code (from inside \startstop MPfigure) Convert this into \jobname-figure-\nofMPfigurefile.pdf only if something changes (similar to what is done in m-r module). 2. The resultant pdf can be included using \useMPfigure{label}. Would such a feature make sense? Aditya