On 07/30/2015 04:43 PM, talazem@fastmail.fm wrote:
Thank you, Pablo. This is indeed the problem: the individual elements — the notes — are correctly RTL, but the overall “paragraph” is ordering the elements LTR (with the additional caveat the footnote paragraph is not properly aligned/justified to the right margin either).
Adding "\definenotation[afootnote][alternative=serried, align=r2l]" makes alignment even worse. Pablo
On 30 Jul 2015, at 15:26, Pablo Rodriguez wrote: On 07/30/2015 03:00 PM, talazem@fastmail.fm wrote:
I wonder whether anyone might have any thoughts about the below? Many thanks.
I wonder whether there is a bug somewhere in notes, because you may have r2l notations, but the notes paragraph is built l2r:
\setuppapersize[A6] \starttext \showframe
\definenote[afootnote][rule={on,right}, paragraph=yes] \definenotation[afootnote][align=r2l]
\startalignment[r2l] Testing.\afootnote{This is footnote one.} Testing testing.\afootnote{This is footnote two.} Testing testing testing.\afootnote{This is footnote three.} \stopalignment
Just in case it might help,