On 09/19/2017 10:41 AM, Ursula Hermann wrote:
Since yesterday I cant compile my files.
Hi Ursula, what has changed in your computer since yesterday? I mean, did you update ConTeXt or WindEdt? Or have they been updated automatically? Does WinEdt work fine with the following sample? \starttext \input zapf \stoptext
Then I get the following code
Command Line: context.exe --synctex=-1 "short.tex" Startup Folder: D:\My Documents
Error Launching Console Application ConTeXt ... Command Line: context.exe --synctex=-1 "short.tex" Startup Folder: D:\My Documents
Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.
Whats wrong here? ConTeXt standalone is installed.
Welche Datei? I mean, I wonder which file is missing there. Is it the executable or the ConTeXt source file? Do you have a file "D:\My Documents\short.tex"? Which is the path to the ConTeXt Suite? Can you see it inside the output from "echo %PATH%"? Coud you send us a PNG screenshot from the ConTeXt entry displayed in the execution modes (similar to the first image from this page http://www.winedt.com/doc/QuickGuide.pdf#page=18)? I hope it helps, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk