Hi, this question was rised in my ConTeXt beginners workshop* at Chemnitz Linux Days today: Can I configure binding correction for saddle-stitched or thread-bound booklets, and if, does it only work with arranging (imposition) or can I enable it somehow for the layout (if the printshop does the imposition)? Also I recognized I'm not sure about the difference of the layout parameters backspace and cutspace. Hraban *) 8 participants who endured 3 hours of me mostly talking… Further questions that I couldn't answer for sure were about PDF/A or PDF/UA and how color profiles are handled within ConTeXt and at printshops (my monitor is profiled, but I know I have to edit images "too bright" to have them look right in print). I need to investigate further before I can ask precise questions. When JUH yesterday had his shorter talk about "corporate publishing with Markdown and ConTeXt", the lecture hall was stuffed.