On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 5:32 AM, Wei-Wei Guo
Dear all,
I'm reading the source file of t-bib. I find there are lots of '\c!', '\s!', and '\v!'. What do they mean? I searched in wiki, TeXBook, ConTeXt manual, TeX impatient, and mail list. Those commands appear some times, but no explanation.
Another question is related the following codes from Taco (thank you, Taco). There are tokens like '\??pb @lang@`. What does it mean? Could you tell me, to get deep understanding, what to read or which part to read in TeXBook or some other manuals. I don't know what to search to find related topics.
\def\lang#1% {\def\biblanguage{#1}% \ifcsname \??pb @lang@#1\endcsname \expanded{\mainlanguage[\getvalue{\??pb @lang@#1}]}% \expanded{\language[\getvalue{\??pb @lang@#1}]}% \fi \ignorespaces} \protect
Best wishes, Wei-Wei