Le 18/03/2019, Alan Braslau a �crit
On Mon, 18 Mar 2019 14:15:10 -0400 (EDT) Aditya Mahajan
wrote: On Mon, 18 Mar 2019, Romain Diss wrote:
Le 13/03/2019, Aditya Mahajan a �crit
Is there a simple way to split a large \startframedtext environment over multiple pages. It doesn't work out of the box and I didn't find any option make it work in the wiki nor in the documentation I read.
Use backgrounds or textbackgrounds. Thank you but I still can't achieve what I want to do whith this command.
I try to make something similar to the frames in the "mkiv-publications.pdf" manual (page 6 or 22 for a bibliography for examples). I suppose Hans Hagen made use of metafun to do it but I encounter some problems with 'textbackgrounds'.
In this minimal example, the frame doesn't appear (or if i set [frame=on,leftframe=off] all the frame is rendered) and the left and right offsets are not took into account.
textbackground uses metapost for ALL backgrounds and the default metapost code to draw the background (draw_multi_pars, defined in mp-abck.mkiv) doesn't handle individual frames. So, you have to write your own metapost code to draw the side bar.
Another option for simple backgrounds is to use `\definebackground` instead of `definetextbackground`. The background mechanism doesn't have too many options, but does honor leftframe and rightframe by default.
You can look under doc/context/sources/general/manuals/publications/publications-style.tex to see how it is done. All these source files where here, next to me, all this time and I didn't know... Thank you very much!
-- Romain Diss