20 May
20 May
2:52 a.m.
On 13 May 2016, at 12:22, Hans Hagen
in principle one can make ∫ and \int but that has other side effects
\appendtoks \catcode`∫=\activecatcode \to \everymathematics
One should add \def\∫{∫} before the code above. This way one can use both. For example: \setupbodyfont[xits,10pt] \def\∫{∫} \appendtoks \catcode`∫=\activecatcode \letcharcode `∫ \int \to \everymathematics \setupmathematics[integral=nolimits] Nolimits $\int_0^∞ f ω$, and $∫_0^∞ f ω$, and $\∫_0^∞ f ω$. \startformula\relax ∫_0^∞ f ω, \quad \∫_0^∞ f ω, \quad \int_0^∞ f ω \stopformula