At 16:18 18/11/2003, you wrote:
I have a A5 document (as PDF file) which should be nx=2,ny=1 placed on a landscape A4 paper. The problem is that I want to have more whitespace on the left side for stapleing/punching which can easiest be done by letting the included pages overlap. I tried distance=-4cm but it didn't work as expected.
Desired result:
+---+-------------+------------+ | | first a5 . | second a5 | | | . | | | | . | | | | . | | +---+-------------+------------+ | ^^^ - included pages overlap | extra wide margin
I tried: \setuppapersize[a5,landscape][a4,landscape] \combinepages[main.pdf][nx=2,ny=1,frame=on,distance=-4cm]
How about ... \setuppapersize [A4,landscape] [A4,landscape] \setuplayout [height=middle,width=middle, header=0pt,footer=0pt, topspace=1cm, cutspace=1cm,backspace=3cm] \newcounter\DirtyTrickCounter \startsetups[verydirtytrick] \doglobal\increment\DirtyTrickCounter \ifodd\DirtyTrickCounter \hbox to \overlaywidth{\hskip1cm\foregroundbox} \fi \stopsetups \defineoverlay [verydirtytrick] [\setups{verydirtytrick}] \starttext \combinepages [mag-0004-000.pdf] [nx=2,ny=1, background=verydirtytrick, frame=on] \stoptext Dirty eh? Hans