On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 12:46 PM, Hans Hagen
Alan Stone wrote:
(1) --mode=modelist
(1.1) Is there a limit to the number of modes in modelist ?
no, just what the console and memory permit
(1.2) Is there a way to call the modelist and submit it to conditional testing within ConTeXt ? For example, to lookup (true/false) the presence of modes containing/starting with (an) alphannumeric string(s) ?
\doifmodeelse{somemode} { } { } etc etc etc
(2) --modefile=file
(2.1) What's the syntax of a modefile ?
this concerns examodes stuff that we use for process control at pragma
(2.2) How does ConTeXt handle a modefile ? Are the modes parsed into a modelist ( re: question 1.2 ) ?
best use ctx files instead, like in
== somefile.ctx ===
<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
ctx:job ctx:preprocess/ ctx:flags ctx:flagtexengine=luatex ctx:flaginterface=en ctx:process ctx:resources ctx:modeproofing ctx:environmentsomestyle.tex ctx:postprocess/
texexec .... --ctx=somefile
As I'm not familiar with XML, neither using ConTeXt with XML... What if I want to pass a list of modes: mode1, mode2, mode3, .... ? -- Best, Alan * ConTeXt ver: 2008.09.10 14:01 MKIV fmt: 2008.9.14 int: english/english * Windows XP Home SP3