Hi, I get mysterious error messages on blank lines or on lines that were completely innocuous a month ago. The error message I get is: system > tex > error on line 315 in file proposal-context.context: Extra ... 305 \bTR\bTD of \eTD\bTD 73 \eTD\eTR 306 \bTR\bTD on \eTD\bTD 71 \eTD\eTR 307 \bTR\bTD say \eTD\bTD 87 \eTD\eTR 308 \bTR\bTD to \eTD\bTD 86 \eTD\eTR 309 \bTR\bTD up \eTD\bTD 34 \eTD\eTR 310 \eTABLE 311 } 312 313 Comparing the accuracy of GMB tags of words against those generated by the C&C parser (see \in{Table}[tab:tag-accuracy]) revealed some problematic words for the parser. 314 Specifically, other than PP attachments, it revealed faults in telling transitives and ditransitives apart. 315 >> 316 317 \chapter{Evaluation} 318 The evaluation of the output would be similar to the methods we use for analyzing parses. Given sentences that have specific features that result in wrong parses, my software will be able to generate the correct parse trees. 319 320 \completepublications[criterium=text] 321 322 %\showfontstrip 323 %\showbodyfont 324 \stopbodymatter 325 \stoptext After trying to hunt down error messages on \startitemize[n] ... \item ... in some completely unrelated segment of the same file, the error message (essentially, the same) moved to this line. All the citations and cross-references in the document are broken too, but I suppose that's because the compiler fails at line 315. I'm sorry, no minimal example this time - I tried but I was unable to reproduce the problem in a minimal example. I have uploaded the entire set to https://rapidshare.com/files/3050234632/trial.tgz. I have included my build logs too. Best regards, Prash