Hello Taco, On Sun, Aug 21, 2005 at 05:43:02PM +0200, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
The "a while" turned out to be around 1999, and the code (hack) I used back then is no longer even remotely usable (for one because context was still in dutch, then), but I'll see if I can update my patch.
:-), that's great :-). In the meantime, I solved the second part, i.e., adding the additional describing text. It goes somehow like this (well, it's a hack, but it works): % MathParagraph is the enumeration (it ensures references and numbering, % and typesetting all the texts). In command, it calls a macro that refers % to \MathParagraphType etc. \def\startLemma{\dosingleempty\dostartLemma} \def\dostartLemma[#1]#2 {% \def\MathParagraphType{Lemma} \def\MathParagraphName{#2} \def\MathParagraphList{MathParagraphs} \iffirstargument \startMathParagraph[#1] \else \startMathParagraph \fi } \let\stopLemma\stopMathParagraph So I can use \startLemma[reference]{Algorithm xyz terminates} ... \stopLemma I came to the idea to misuse command= to typeset the header and write to the list, it is given an argument containing the number of the enumeration. Anyway, it is not easy to feed it into \expanded{\writetolist...} as the argument is something with \edef and a pile of pretty ugly macros :-), so I still use \precedingsectionnumber\numberMathParagraph :-( To sum up, a good way to obtain current enumeration number (in a form that goes into lists, etc.) would be completely enough, provided that one writes hacks to solve the rest (and does end up finding the real macro names with \tracingmacros=1 :-)). Creating something like enumerateddescription (a description with names and possibility to write lists) would be much nicer, of course :-)) Thank you very much, D.A. P.S.: Hans said once that a Dutch mathematical journal is typeset with ConTeXt. Do you have an idea how they typeset theorems? -- Two million robots: (Once a tune has been worked out, the accompaniment should be played on a very echoey synthesiser whilst the two million robots sing exactly a flattened fifth out of tune. It will sound more ghastly than you can possibly imagine.) -- Douglas Adams (in a script of H2G2 radio series)