Hi, I have two questions: 1) In the metafun manual I found (p 57 in the version I browse) a setting drawpathoptions. I tried with \startMPpage drawpathoptions(withcolor darkred); path p; p:= (0,0)--(1cm,1cm)--(1cm,0)--(0,1cm); draw p; \stopMPpage but the result turned out to be black. Isn't drawpathoptions available anymore, or do I misuse it? 2) If I run the code below \startMPpage drawoptions(withcolor darkred); path p; p:= (0,0)--(1cm,1cm)--(1cm,0)--(0,1cm); draw image ( draw p; draw p xshifted 2cm withcolor darkyellow; ); \stopMPpage everything gets dark red. Can I somehow change the color inside an image after setting a default color with drawoptions? If I do \startMPpage drawoptions(withcolor darkred); path p; p:= (0,0)--(1cm,1cm)--(1cm,0)--(0,1cm); draw p; draw p xshifted 2cm withcolor darkyellow; \stopMPpage I get the expected result (i.e. one darkred and one darkyellow path), but I want to use an image. /Mikael