Hi Wilfried, Good! This is certainly a decision you will not regret. Do not dispair, if there are hurdles until the system is setup! Just to add to the hopefully not to big confusion: There is yet another editor which is really to be considered. - its name is Scite. You can download it from http://www.scintilla.org/SciTEDownload.html Hans Hagen at Pragma has made this editor CONTEXT aware. - And this will be extended ... Advantages: highlighting , running texexec from the menu or by key, possibilities to run a syntax-check, view the compiled file in the PDF-viewer. Kind regards Willi Wilfried Van Hirtum wrote:
I'm a complete ms word user who wants to convert to context to make his mathematical textbooks. I have windows xp on my computer, but nothing (really nothing like perl, editor's or distribution) else. What exactly have i to do make my pc work with context? By the way, don't say to me to read the /how to install context manual/ which are not meant to read by absolute beginners. I've spent hours on looking around on internet, on the pragma-website, reading manuals, but i don't find something clear and simple what tells me exactly to do and in which order to let me begin working with context. There seems to be so many pre-knowledge about perl, command line commands, and so on.. But can anybody out there please tell me how i can start from the very beginning. I would appreciate your advise very much. To set it clear: i'm not a linux or unix-user, i use windowx xp. I really want to begin with context, but there seems to be so many obstacles to overwin. Many thanks in advance.
Wilfried Van Hirtum
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