Csikos Bela mailto:bcsikos425@freemail.hu 14. Oktober 2016 um 16:56 Wolfgang Schuster írta:
I would like to set up Tex Gyre Adventor sans serif font as my math font (even if it doesn't havemath symbols). I have two questions related to this problem.
1. In latex I can specify math font versions, define a specific font as math serif / normal, another as mathsans serif etc. (http://milde.users.sourceforge.net/LUCR/Math/math-font-selection.xhtml). Is this possiblein context, and if yes, how? ConTeXt doesn’t use the same style switches as LaTeX.
Thanks. Is there a way to change font family locally in math mode? For example how can I use serif if sans serif is the default math font? It depends what you want to achieve, for string you can use \text{...} which uses the text font.
3. You can use the font fallback mechanism to replace certain character in the math font with characters from a text font.
\definefontfamily [mathfont] [rm] [Tex Gyre Bonum] \definefallbackfamily [mathfont] [mm] [Tex Gyre Adventor] [preset=math:lowercaseitalic] \definefallbackfamily [mathfont] [mm] [Tex Gyre Adventor] [tf=style:italic,range=0x068,offset=0x0210E]% Planck constant \definefontfamily [mathfont] [mm] [Tex Gyre Pagella Math]
I played a lot with these setups and have questions. I use this font setting:
\definefontfamily [docuf] [rm] [TeX Gyre Bonum] \definefontfamily [docuf] [ss] [TeX Gyre Adventor] \definefontfamily [docuf] [tt] [Latin Modern Mono] [features=none]
\definefallbackfamily [docuf] [mm] [Tex Gyre Adventor] [preset=math:uppercasenormal]%,scale=.6] \definefallbackfamily [docuf] [mm] [Tex Gyre Adventor] [preset=math:uppercasebold]%,scale=.6] \definefallbackfamily [docuf] [mm] [Tex Gyre Adventor] [preset=math:uppercaseitalic]%,scale=.6] \definefallbackfamily [docuf] [mm] [Tex Gyre Adventor] [preset=math:uppercasebolditalic]%,scale=.6]
\definefallbackfamily [docuf] [mm] [Tex Gyre Adventor] [preset=math:lowercasenormal]%,scale=.6] \definefallbackfamily [docuf] [mm] [Tex Gyre Adventor] [preset=math:lowercasebold]%,scale=.6] \definefallbackfamily [docuf] [mm] [Tex Gyre Adventor] [preset=math:lowercaseitalic]%,scale=.6] \definefallbackfamily [docuf] [mm] [Tex Gyre Adventor] [preset=math:lowercasebolditalic]%,scale=.6]
\definefallbackfamily [docuf] [mm] [Tex Gyre Adventor] [preset=math:digitsnormal]%,scale=.6] \definefallbackfamily [docuf] [mm] [Tex Gyre Adventor] [preset=math:digitsbold]%,scale=.6] \definefallbackfamily [docuf] [mm] [Tex Gyre Adventor] [preset=math:digitsitalic]%,scale=.6] \definefallbackfamily [docuf] [mm] [Tex Gyre Adventor] [preset=math:digitsbolditalic]%,scale=.6]
\definefontfamily [docuf] [mm] [TeX Gyre Pagella Math]
1. If I want to use a scale factor is it possible the give the scale factor by using the preset a,b,c,d,x,xx values? Or I must specify the scale factors as numbers? Only numbers are possible. 2. Scaling occurs compared to which font in the definition list?
3. I found that if I write \definefontfamily [docuf] [mm] [TeX Gyre Pagella Math] before \definefallbackfamily lines, the latter have no effect. Is this normal? Shouldn't the order of definition lines be indifferent? The fallbackfamily settings are applied to a typeface and the \definefontfamily commands creates the typeface, without \definefontfamily the fallbacks are never used because there is no font which can use the settings. 4. If I write a paragraph with different font size, how can I scale the embedded math too automatically? For example if I write
\placefigure[here]{Figure title}{\ss\tfxx A B C D \math{E~F~G~}}
A B C D is typeset with small fonts but E F G not; it will be huge compared to A B C D. I can't manually scale the math part because it is inserted here by chemfig module and I can't redefine how it typesets fonts. The x and xx perform not the same scaling as a, b etc. but you can define your own sizes which behave the same way as a etc.
\definefontsize[m] \definefontsize[n] \definebodyfontenvironment[default][m=0.8,n=0.9] \starttext {\tfm This paragraph contains text and $math$.} {\tfn This paragraph contains text and $math$.} This paragraph contains text and $math$. {\tfa This paragraph contains text and $math$.} {\tfb This paragraph contains text and $math$.} \stoptext Wolfgang