Okay, I have partly found out myself. One has to add the field `eprint` and `archivePrefix` to `categories.article.optional` in the file base/mkiv/publ-imp-aps.lua. But I don't want to edit any system files, because this is not portable. Also I don't want to have a copy of this file in my project directory, because this is just redundant. How can I add the two fields `eprint` and `archivePrefix` to `categories.article.optional` from the document level? Cheers, Henri N.B.: In my original post there was a typo. It should read \starttexdefinition unexpanded btx:aps:eprint (It was btx:aps:eprints in the original post) On 07/18/2016 10:54 AM, Henri Menke wrote:
Dear list,
It is common in physics (and probably mathematics) that papers are uploaded to an electronic archive prior to publishing them in the peer-review literature. In physical sciences this is https://arxiv.org.
To cite such articles one usually uses the following format, here on the example of the most recent contribution to the Condensed Matter section:
N.A. Kudryashov, A.A. Kutukov, and E.A. Mazur, Normal State of the Metallic Hydrogen Sulfide, arXiv:1607.04624 (2016).
To reproduce this kind of format I tried to extend the APS rendering (see the long example below, sorry). Unfortunately, this does not work, because apparently the `eprint` and `archivePrefix` fields are not read in. The combination `eprint` and `archivePrefix` is used, because this is what the LaTeX package `biblatex` expects.
How do I extend the btx rendering by these additional fields?
Cheers, Henri
\startbuffer [references] @article{Kudryashov2016, title = {Normal State of the Metallic Hydrogen Sulfide}, author = {Kudryashov, Nikolay A. and Kutukov, Alexander A. and Mazur, Evgeny A.}, year = {2016}, eprint = {1607.04624}, archivePrefix = {arxiv} } \stopbuffer
\usebtxdataset[references.buffer] \usebtxdefinitions[aps]
\starttexdefinition unexpanded btx:aps:eprints \btxdoif {eprint} { \btxstartstyleandcolor [aps:list:eprint] \btxdoif {archivePrefix} { \btxflush{archivePrefix}: } \btxflush{eprint} \btxstopstyleandcolor } \stoptexdefinition
\startsetups btx:aps:list:article \texdefinition{btx:aps:author} \texdefinition{btx:aps:optional-title} \texdefinition{btx:aps:doi-url} {\texdefinition{btx:aps:journal-volume-year}} \texdefinition{btx:aps:eprint}% extension to APS style \texdefinition{btx:aps:note} \stopsetups
\cite{Kudryashov2016} \placelistofpublications