Confused Scientist wrote:
Thanks Taco.
This is certainly closer to what I'm trying to do, but I still have a problem with the chapter names missing from the header of every odd/left page. Below is how I setup the headers:
The setups are the problem. Your code essentially does \vbox{\chapter{}} The result is that the markings from the \chapter stay local to the \vbox that contains it. You need something like this instead (I leave the details for you to sort out) \setuphead [chapter] [command=\MyChapterText, before=\setups{chapter:before}, after=] \def\MyChapterText#1#2% {\vbox to 35mm {\headtext{chapter}~#1\blank[small]#2\vss}} \startsetups [chapter:before] \page[left] \noheaderandfooterlines \vbox to 35mm{} \vbox{\blank \startalignment[left,nothyphenated] \noindent \setups[chapter:quote] \stopalignment} \resetsetups[quote:text] \page[right] \noheaderandfooterlines \stopsetups Greetings, Taco