Dear All I am in the process of learning the wonders of Context and enjoying the challenge. My Context is the stand alone version for Windows which I downloaded from the Pragma site. I'm getting used to using the Scite editor although it was a little difficult in the beginning. Just now I'm putting together some short stories and am having fun playing about with layout and using different kinds of fonts. Also I'm reading 'The Elements of Typographic Style' by Robert Bringhurst which is absolutely superb! I would never have thought that a book on typography would be so easy to read. In Bringhurst's book he mentions fleurons - "A horticultural dingbat" which I would like to access. I have looked through the Context manuals but with no success. Could someone give me some hints? Thanks Keith McKay Hamilton, Scotland -- No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Anti-Virus. Version: 7.0.322 / Virus Database: 267.2.0 - Release Date: 27/05/2005