Dnia 2013-06-06, o godz. 00:22:04
Hans Hagen
On 6/5/2013 11:06 PM, Marcin Borkowski wrote:
Dnia 2013-06-03, o godz. 15:20:45 Marcin Borkowski
napisał(a): Hi,
I'd like to have my \startlines ... \stoplines indented in the following way: the first two lines unindented, the next two indented, and so on. Basically, this means that I'd like the pattern to be based on (mod 4) arithmetic and not (mod 2). Is it possible? If yes, how?
OK, so I thought I can handle this... but not:(.
I found the relevant definitions in spac-hor.mkiv and tried to add a line saying
\installindentingmethod \v!evenpairs{\c_spac_indentation_toggle_state\plusfour}
% there is no \v!evenpairs
% english interface only:
\installindentingmethod {evenpairs} {\c_spac_indentation_toggle_state\plusfour}
% or maybe:
\installindentingmethod \v!quadruple {\c_spac_indentation_toggle_state\plusfour}
% as \v!quadruple is a known keyword
Sorry to say that, but neither seems to work... ! Missing number, treated as zero. <to be read again> q \v_spac_indentation_current ->q uadruple \4>unknown #1#2#3#4#5->#2=#1 \relax \spac_indentation_apply_step_one ...on_setup_size \fi \next1 #1,->\spac_indentation_apply_step_one {#1} \syst_helpers_do_process_co... \syst_helpers_do_process_comma_list ...rgument #1, ]\relax \global \advance \... ... l.36 \startlines[indenting=quadruple] ? What do I do? (And what do I do if I really want "evenpairs", especially that I'd like to have "oddpairs", too, so "quadruple" is not really a good keyword for me?) TIA, -- Marcin Borkowski http://octd.wmi.amu.edu.pl/en/Marcin_Borkowski Adam Mickiewicz University