Rudolf Bahr schrieb am 18.12.2019 um 15:13:
On Tue, Dec 17, 2019 at 07:30:49PM +0100, Hans Hagen wrote:
you need to make a MWE to show what you mean
\hbox to <somewidth>{\hss<come content>\hss}
is good enough for centering Here is my MWE. Think of a photo album. To make it interesting the pages should all be different. To this purpose layers are a good means. I'd like to centre the layers on their page without doing so manually and without changig the distances between them. Using luacode one can calculate the distance d between the leftmost and the rightmost edge. Half the difference (\textwidth - d) is the amount to move the whole layer ensemble.
My question is now: Does in context exist a possibility to move all layers jointly without correcting all their x-values subsequently?
1. You can use hoffset and voffset to shift all layers. 2. You can use \setlayerframed to put paragraphs in a layer. \setuppapersize[A4,landscape] \setupexternalfigures[location=default] \definelayer[LAY] \starttext \startbuffer \setlayerframed [LAY] [x=0pt, y=-8pt] [frame=off, width=.35\textwidth, align={normal,tolerant}] {\externalfigure[cow][width=\hsize] \blank[line] \input tufte\par} \setlayerframed [LAY] [x=225pt, y=0pt] [orientation=90, foregroundstyle={\definedfont[Serif at 82pt]}] {JOURNEY} \setlayerframed [LAY] [x=360pt, y=50pt] [frame=off, width=200pt, align={normal,tolerant}] {\input ward \blank[line] \externalfigure[hacker][height=.4\textheight]} \flushlayer[LAY] \stopbuffer \getbuffer \page \setuplayer[LAY][hoffset=4cm,voffset=-2cm] \getbuffer \stoptext Wolfgang