Hello, this question extends the "[NTG-context] future versions - synctex" thread. I'm using TextPad for editing Ctx source files, PdfXChange Viewer to view PDFs, both on Windows. After reading some recent posts and after studying some web sources - especially [a] https://www.sumatrapdfreader.org/docs/DDE-Commands.html for SumatraPDF viever and [b] https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/116981/how-to-configure-texniccenter... for inspiration how to make TXC interoperate with Sumatra, I would like to provide "click-in-PDF-go-to-source" functionality - be Sumatra the viewer for this case. Questions are: 1. How to run Sumatra so that it opens a PDF file AND reacts somehow to a mouse click, in order to provide a command to get to the corresponding place in the source file? (IIUC, Sumatra provides such functionality, as e.g. TeXnic Center use it. [b].) I guess that I have to configure Sumatra somehow, or to launch Sumatra with some command line parameters, so that when I click a point in the PDF (maybe while also holding CTRL or something - but it is a detail), a command is launched to open the source file in the editor and go to a particular line. 2. What should be the command line parameters passed to Sumatra to provide the linkage "open PDF-source at line"? I deduce also that such command should call "mtxrun --script synctex" somehow (which will call "...\tex\texmf-context\scripts\context\lua\mtx-synctex.lua") as the "mtx-synctex" is able to read the .synctex produced during compilation of .tex files. I deduce also that "mtx-synctex" calls the editor (which the user uses to edit source files) in the manner that it tells the editor "open file (...) and go to line (...). Existing "mtx-synctex" is "aware" of "scite" editor, which is - next to "console" - the only editor pre-configured. So: 3. What code should be added into "mtx-synctex" in order to make TextPad an editor known to "mtx-synctex"? I found and tried that command e.g. 'C:\Program Files\TextPad 7\system\ddeopn32.exe" TextPad.dde Test.mkiv(40)' successfully opens "Test.mkiv" (being open before) and scrolls to line #40. (TextPad location may vary - depending on version installed - can be e.g.: C:\Program Files\TextPad 7 C:\Program Files (x86)\TextPad 7 C:\Program Files\TextPad 8 ... ) Any idea would be appreciated... Best regards, Lukas -- Ing. Lukáš Procházka | mailto:LPr@pontex.cz Pontex s. r. o. | mailto:pontex@pontex.cz | http://www.pontex.cz | IDDS:nrpt3sn Bezová 1658 147 14 Praha 4 Mob.: +420 702 033 396