Taco Hoekwater mailto:taco@elvenkind.com scribbled on Thursday, July 09, 2009 8:40 AM:
Lutz Haseloff wrote:
Hi Thomas,
You are right, "stand-salarm" is definitely wrong. I think too, that LuaTex should hyphenate the word like given in \hyphenation{}. It seems that \hyphenation{} is ignored.
Hi guys,
Are you using the binary from minimals, or the binary from the supelec.fr package, here:
There might be a difference.
Best wishes, Taco
Hi, Unfortunately I can not make work the luatetex.exe from your link. luatools --generate seems to work fine, but luatools --selfupdate gives "LuaTools | fileio: unable to locate new script", same for mtxrun --selfupdate. context --make cont-en then gives "MTXrun | unknown script 'context.lua' or 'mtx-context.lua'". I think I have a 'regular' minimals installation (the dll versions of luatex work). Any hint? Thanks thomas