taco wrote:
Yury G. Kudryashov wrote:
Another problem fixed by my patch:
\definereferenceformat[ineq][text=equation] \starttext \placeformula[first] \startformula 1=1\stopformula \ineq[first] \stoptext printed "1", not "equation 1".
This problem is still there and needs fixing, but I think your patch has a bug (possibly because of the already done other bugfix).
After patching, I think \doinatreferenceone should look like this:
\def\doinatreferenceone {\ifx\next\bgroup \afterassignment\doinatreferenceonetwo \expandafter\leftreferencetoks \else\ifx\textofreference\empty \leftreferencetoks\emptytoks \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\dodoinatreferencenone \else \leftreferencetoks{\textofreference}% \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\doinatreferenceonetwo \fi\fi}
Yes, this \doinatreference (with 3 \expandafter) works for me in the latest beta. Could you please replace current \doinatreference with this one?