8 Jul
8 Jul
2:08 p.m.
I have set up the \chapter command thus; \setuphead[chapter][page=right,style={\nimbua},header=high] ....where nimbua is a font. The chapter head appears on a recto (odd numbered) page as expected but the verso blank page inserted where necessary before the chapter head has a running header. It should be blank. I can kludge this up with a wrapper macro containing \ifodd\pageno etc. but it seems there should be a more Contextish way to handle it. -- John Culleton Resources for every author and publisher: http://wexfordpress.com/tex/shortlist.pdf http://wexfordpress.com/tex/packagers.pdf http://www.creativemindspress.com/newbiefaq.htm http://www.gropenassoc.com/TopLevelPages/reference%20desk.htm