I installed a fresh TeX installation form the TeXLive installation disk. I did the usual things, like convert Texexec.rme to texexec.ini, move texexec.pl to /usr/TeX/bin/ i386-linux/texexec, run fmtutil and texexex -make --all en nl metafun and the rest. I ran fmtutil --all and texhash. Bottom line programs that compile clean and operate properly under my old installation (still available) don't do so under the new installation. For example the sample program d-en-all will compile without errors but the interaction is kaput and nothing shows up in the TOC. The exact same files in the exact same directory will however work when I boot up my old partition. I did a diff on the two log files and here is what it shows: 1c1 < This is pdfeTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.11a-2.1 (Web2C 7.5.2) (format=cont-en 2003.12.30) 30 DEC 2003 15:31 ---
This is pdfeTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.11a-2.1 (Web2C 7.5.2) (format=cont-en 2003.10.15) 30 DEC 2003 14:34 3a4 (/usr/TeX/texmf/web2c/cp8bit.tcx) 7c8 < ConTeXt ver: 2003.12.18 fmt: 2003.12.30 int: english mes: english
ConTeXt ver: 2003.9.25 fmt: 2003.10.15 int: english mes: english 14,17d14 < system (E-TEX) : [line 58] < system (E-TEX) : [line 64] \lastnodetype < system (E-TEX) : [line 110] < system (E-TEX) : [line 196] \lastnodetype 82d78 < pdftex : needs map file: 8r-urw-ncntrsbk.map 125a122,125 (./d-en-all.tuo) (./d-en-all.tuo) (./d-en-all.tuo) (./ d-en-all.tuo) (./d-en-all.tuo) (./d-en-all.tuo) (./d-en-all.tuo) (./ d-en-all.tuo) (./d-en-all.tuo) (./d-en-all.tuo) (./d-en-all.tuo) (./ d-en-all.tuo) (./d-en-all.tuo) (./d-en-all.tuo) 165c165 < references : unknown reference [][content]
(./d-en-all.tuo) 166a167 layout : calculating backgrounds 168c169,171 < [1.1{/usr/TeX/texmf-var/dvips/config/pdftex.map}]
[1.1{/usr/TeX/texmf-var/dvips/config/pdftex.map} Warning: pdfetex (file 8a-agaramond.map): cannot open font map file ] 170,171c173,174 < system : part,chapter,section,subsection,subsubsection,subsubsubsection < ,subsubsubsubsection not found/processed
(./d-en-all.tuo) layout : calculating backgrounds 191,194c194,197 < 1735 strings out of 67026 < 28492 string characters out of 734989 < 4443010 words of memory out of 5542917 < 32394 multiletter control sequences out of 10000+50000
1764 strings out of 67444 28700 string characters out of 742226 4435369 words of memory out of 5540853 31993 multiletter control sequences out of 10000+50000 197,198c200,201 < 58i,22n,94p,282b,905s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,6000p,200000b,40000s < 149 PDF objects out of 300000
59i,22n,94p,283b,907s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,6000p,200000b,40000s 174 PDF objects out of 300000 201,203c204,206 < {/usr/TeX/texmf/dvips/psnfss/8r.enc} < Output written on d-en-all.pdf (19 pages, 491577 bytes).
{/usr/TeX/texmf/dvips/base/8r.enc} Output written on d-en-all.pdf (19 pages, 496334 bytes).
I can of course change the path and use my elderly installation but I would really prefer to correct my new one. Hints? -- John Culleton Able Typesetters and Indexers http://wexfordpress.com ____________________________________________________________ Free 20 MB Bannerless Domain Hosting, 1000 MB Data Transfer 10 Personalized POP and Web E-mail Accounts, and more. Get It Now At Doteasy.com http://www.doteasy.com/et/