Am 01.10.2011 um 14:57 schrieb Hans Hagen:
On 29-9-2011 13:49, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Even when you patch this you don’t get any output because context tries (in the example below) to use the label “August:mnem” but only the label “august:mnem” is defined.
\starttabulate[|Tl|l|] \NC August \EQ \labeltext{August} \NC\NR \NC August:mnem \EQ \labeltext{August:mnem} \NC\NR \NC august:mnem \EQ \labeltext{august:mnem} \NC\NR \stoptabulate
which makes me wonder ... in the past these v! were used instead of labels but it might make more sense now to lowercase the v!
This explains why you use variables as keys in \setuplabeltext etc.
of course the labeltexts stay the same
There is also a bug for the labels in the form “<month>:mnem” in lang-lab.lua function languages.labels.define() local variables = interfaces.variables local data = languages.data.labels local function define(command,list,prefixed) if list then context.pushcatcodes(prtcatcodes) -- context.unprotect for tag, data in next, list do if data.hidden then -- skip else for language, text in next, data.labels do if text == "" then -- skip elseif prefixed and rawget(variables,tag) then ... “rawget” checks if a variable “<month>:mnem” is defined but since this isn’t the case the label is defined as “\setuplabeltext[<lang>][<month>:mnem=<value>]” and not as “\setuplabeltext[<lang>][\v!<month>:mnem=<value>]” with the month as variable. Wolfgang