On Wed, 27 Dec 2006, Gerhard Kugler wrote:
in the book which I'm translating there are many exercises which should be elevated. The original sets grey bars at the beginning and the end. My solutions tends to light grey background over the whole text block. Partially the exercises exceed a page. If possible they should kept as wholes.
What is the suitable logical isolation of these blocks in context? Framedtexts? Textblocks?
He Gerhard, Can you be more specific on what is the desired behaviour, that is what do you mean by "if possible they should be kept as wholes" What do you want in the following border cases? 1. The current page is half full, and your exercise is half-page plus two lines. Should TeX leave the rest of the page empty and start a new page, or fill the current page with exercise and put two lines in the next page. 2. The same case as above, but the text is one and a half page long. 3. Or a more drastic case, when the current page has only two lines and the text block is exactly one page long. Should the text split or not. 4. Can you allow the text block to float, or should it occur where you place it, even if it means a lot of empty space on the page. Basically, the difficulty is specifying how much blankspace on a page are you willing to accept, and under what conditions. Aditya