Am 06.06.24 um 09:41 schrieb Lutz Haseloff:
Hi all, I can't get Kerning working with Noto Serif. My minimal file is:
\definefontfeature[oldstylenumber][onum=yes] \definefont[testnoto][file:NotoSerif-Regular*default at 12pt] \starttext Line 1: {VAVAVAVAVAVA 12345}\par Line 2: {\setff{oldstylenumber}VAVAVAVAVAVA 12345}\par Line 3: {\addff{oldstylenumber}VAVAVAVAVAVA 12345}\par \testnoto Line 4: {VAVAVAVAVAVA 12345}\par Line 5: {\setff{oldstylenumber}VAVAVAVAVAVA 12345}\par Line 6: {\addff{oldstylenumber}VAVAVAVAVAVA 12345}\par \stoptext
Line 4 and 6 should be significantly shorter too. I tried the variable and the static versions. In fontforge I can see a kerning of -80 between A and V. My context is the newest lmtx.
For me, it looks good with ConTeXt v2024.05.31 and Noto Serif v.1.03 Just to check the font (yes, it has kerning): $ mtxrun --script font --list --pattern=notoserifregular --info mtx-fonts | mtx-fonts | mapping : notoserifregular mtx-fonts | fontname : notoserif mtx-fonts | fullname : notoserif mtx-fonts | filename : NotoSerif-Regular.ttf mtx-fonts | family : notoserif mtx-fonts | weight : normal mtx-fonts | style : normal mtx-fonts | width : normal mtx-fonts | variant : normal mtx-fonts | mtx-fonts | gpos features: mtx-fonts | mtx-fonts | feature script languages mtx-fonts | mtx-fonts | kern cyrl dflt mtx-fonts | grek dflt mtx-fonts | latn dflt mtx-fonts | mark cyrl dflt mtx-fonts | grek dflt mtx-fonts | latn dflt mtx-fonts | mkmk cyrl dflt mtx-fonts | grek dflt mtx-fonts | latn dflt mtx-fonts | mtx-fonts | gsub features: mtx-fonts | mtx-fonts | feature script languages mtx-fonts | mtx-fonts | ccmp cyrl dflt mtx-fonts | grek dflt mtx-fonts | latn dflt Hraban