Hans, many thanks for having fixed the issues with attachments (in latest beta from 2020.02.07 18:36). I haven’t tested attachments with PDF/A-3a. But there is still an issue with /EmbeddedFiles. MWE: \setupinteraction[state=start] \starttext \startTEXpage[offset=1em] a\attachment[file=abdfaeasd.txt, name=hola, method=hidden] \contextversion \stopTEXpage \stoptext File name is changed: 2 0 obj << /AFRelationship /Unspecified /EF << /F 1 0 R >> /F (hola.txt) /Type /Filespec /UF <FEFF0068006F006C0061002E007400780074> >> endobj But embedded names have the name from the file, leaving it unchanged (abridged version): 18 0 obj << /EmbeddedFiles << /Names [ (abdfaeasd.txt) 2 0 R ] >> /Type /Names >> endobj Could you fix the name change for /EmbeddedFiles? Many thanks for your help, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk