Hello Wolfgang! Thank you. Now it works perfect. Sorry for the long example. Uschi Von: ntg-context [mailto:ntg-context-bounces@ntg.nl] Im Auftrag von Wolfgang Schuster Gesendet: Samstag, 16. Juli 2016 07:00 An: mailing list for ConTeXt users Betreff: Re: [NTG-context] A new problem in old TOC mailto:ursula.hermann@univie.ac.at Ursula Hermann 15. Juli 2016 um 19:33 Hello Wolfgang! Yes, I want it both title in header and in the TOC! Ursula Hermann Danksagung \starttext \placecontent \setupuserpagenumber[numberconversion=romannumerals] \setcounter[userpage][2] The two settings above can be removed because they aren’t necessary for the example. \startchapter [title={Ursula Hermann\indenting[yes, next] Danksagung}] The \crlf command insert a line break in the ToC and the heading \startchapter[title={Ursula Hermann\crlf Danksagung}] and the \\ command inserts a space in the ToC and a line break in the heading \startchapter[title={Ursula Hermann\\Danksagung}] Wolfgang