Am 05.08.2014 um 23:36 schrieb Joshua Krämer
On 2014-08-05, 22:54, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Can you provide a working minimal example?
Sorry, please find an example at the end.
The first URL has the right linebreaks, but the arrow should be at the end of the line.
The position of the \hyphenatedurlseparator symbol depends currently on the breakpoint in the url, when the break is allowed after a character at the end of line but when the break is allowed before a character the symbol appears at the begin of the line. The question is now if this is intended or can it be changed. Another thing where we can discuss is the way to set the separator, e.g. \sethypehantedurlseparator{…} seems more appropriate than \def\hyphenatedurlseparator{…} because we already have other \setXXX commands.
Interestingly, it shows another problem: the # is repeated.
Has to be fixed.
The second URL has a linebreak in front of the colon, which I do not want.
The points where contexts is allowed to break a url at :/# etc. are predefined in the Lua code. When you want to change this you have to use the three commands - \sethyphenatedurlbefore{…} - \sethyphenatedurlafter{…} - \sethyphenatedurlnormal{…} Wolfgang