Hi Max, On Fri, Mar 15, 2024 at 01:30 (-0600), Max Chernoff wrote:
Hi Aditya, Jim,
On Fri, 2024-03-15 at 01:53 +0100, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Thu, 14 Mar 2024, Jim wrote:
were you hoping the ConTeXt distribution would ship its own pgfutil-context.def, or were you hoping that someone could convince Henri to put the RGB change in?
We can patch some of the definitions of pgfutil-context.def in m-tikz if really needed, but it would be preferable to first check if tikz maintainers are willing to merge them upstream.
Ah, okay. I was under the impression that the LMTX standalone distribution carried a ton of TikZ patches and that ConTeXt patches weren't really merged upstream, but it sounds like there are only a couple small patches and upstream does merge ConTeXt patches. I'll rebase my PR and check with upstream again. Thanks!
I hope your patches go through.
On Thu, 2024-03-14 at 20:53 -0300, Jim wrote:
were you hoping the ConTeXt distribution would ship its own pgfutil-context.def, or were you hoping that someone could convince Henri to put the RGB change in?
I've seen a few TikZ bugs/patches resolved on this list, and I know that the LMTX standalone distribution carries patches for TikZ (although fewer than I thought?), so this seemed like the right place to start.
And, if anyone has the will to push this (or add it in to a ConTeXt distribution version), I'd still like the cmyk support, even if there is no ability to specify colour profiles:
\def\pgfutil(a)emu@cmyk#1#2,#3,#4,#5\@nil { \pgfmathsetmacro{\@red@}{(1 - #2) * (1 - #5)}% \pgfmathsetmacro{\@green@}{(1 - #3) * (1 - #5)}% \pgfmathsetmacro{\@blue@}{(1 - #4) * (1 - #5)}% \expandafter\edef\csname\string\color@#1\endcsname {\noexpand\xcolor@ {}{}{rgb}{\@red@,\@green@,\@blue@}} }
I don't see that it would hurt anything, even if it doesn't give complete cmyk support.
I need to rebase my current PGF PR anyways, so I'll add this in with it.
Thanks, I appreciate it. Maybe since there are now two people known to be looking for basic cmyk support, Henri will cast a more accepting eye on the request. :-) Cheers. Jim