Dear all, I would like to wrap text around two figures. I tried to use both placefigure and starthangaround without achieving what I wanted. So I moved towards you to get some explanations on the behavior of the commands. I have two figures and one paragraph. If possible, I would like to place one figure on the top left and the other on the bottom right, the text moving smoothly in between, something like (o is figure, x text) ooooo xxxxxxxx ooooo xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx ooooo xxxxxxxx ooooo or even better xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ooooo xxxxxxxx ooooo xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx ooooo xxxxxxxx ooooo xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx I can, of course, slice the text in two pieces and use either placefigure or hangaround but, then, there's a vertical space between the two paragraphs. Related to the subject, is there way to impose a few lines before a figure with hangaround like the second layout example? Thanks a lot, Flavien.