On 22.09.2011 12:03, Christian wrote:
- Can I get hyperlinks working with references in Context ? For example, with Biblatex with a citation and its reference, if I select the authoryear style, then I get : "my citation" (author year). And the reader can click on the year and be redirected to the reference in the bibliography. The year is a hyperlink. Can we get the same behaviour with Context ?
Unfortunately, interaction only works if one uses the default ref-style, with the shitty "[1]". Then this is clickable. Other alternatives like authoryear are NOT clickable.
+1 for implementing interaction for other reference styles.
I'm using ConTeXt version 201100920 00:09 MKIV and I get clickable references with \cite[my_reference_tag] (the "shitty [1]" which I use mostly) and also with \cite[author][my_reference_tag]. I don't have something special in my setup:
\setupinteraction[state=start] \setupbibtex[database={thesis}] \setuppublications[alternative=ams, refcommand=num] \setupcite[num][lastpubsep={, }] \setupcite[author][left=, right=]
Thanks for your answer. Same here. But NOT with refcommand=authoryear or refcommand=authoryears I'm afraid. I can not imagine that it's supposed to behave like this.